Tourism Festivals and Events Calendar of Oyo State

Osemeji (Ibadan) – It is celebrated annually for seventeen (17) days to commemorate the Founder’s Day of the present Ibadan City

Ogun (Ibadan)- Ogun is universally worshiped and acknowledged in the indigenous belief of the Yoruba as the divinity of warfare and warriors of hunters and the chase of all artisans.

Obaluaye (Sonponna) (Igbooro, Ibarapa Central)- Worshiped throughout Yoruba land but prominent and very important to the people of Igboora, the celebration includes feasting, singing, and dancing around the town with a lot of entertainment and display of skillful dexterity by various groups.

Odoje/Ebo Oba Ijeru (Ogbomoso, Ogo Oluwa LGA)- Onpetu of Ijeru, Ogbomoso worships at his ancestral home at odoje.  It is a major festival of Onpetu of Ijeru, Ogbomoso.  It involves worshipping amidst promp and pageantry at the River Oje by the Onpetu while the grand finale is the King’s ritual at the graves of the past Onpetu.

Oke-Badan (Ibadan) – Oke-Badan festival is to appreciate the sanctuary the hill provided during the war years and to remind the people of Ibadan, today of what life was for their forefathers on the hill during the period.  An interesting aspect of the festival is the lighter and humorous side of the festival which is the loose songs by boys and girls.  Adults not exempted.

Ole (Ogbomoso, Ogbomos South)

Olofin (Otu, Itesiwaju LGA) – The celebration lasts for seven (7) days with feasting, singing and dancing.

Oloogun (Saki, Saki West LGA)- The Okere of Saki and the indigenes of Saki used to go and feast with Ologun every year to honour him for making Okere (King) have children and for the protection he was able to give to the community.

World Theatre Day (Ibadan) – It is celebrated annually on March 27 and designated by the International Theatre Institute (ITI) in 1961. This day celebrates the essence, beauty, and importance of theatre arts, their significant role in entertainment, and the symbolic impact that theatre has on life. This day also serves to inform governments, politicians, institutions, and stakeholders around the world who have not yet realised the value of theatre to the people and its potential for economic growth.

International Tourism Summit (Ibadan) – Designed among others to; showcase the tourism potential of Oyo State so that local and foreign investors can see the opportunities available in the sector and how the Oyo State Government will support them with an enabling environment, attract more local and international tourists to Oyo to come, see and enjoy the tourist sites in the State, encourage internal tourism among residents and visitors alike and to highlight  specific Public-Private-Development Partnership within the tourism sector in the State.

Obalogun (Lalupon, Lagelu LGA) – Sighting of strange animals in town signifies the date for the festival sacrifice to the Osanyin will be made before any other gods/goddesses. The celebration lasts for seven (7) days.  The devotees are possessed and deliver messages said to come from the departed ancestors of the community.

Oju Oja (Lanlate) – Celebrate on Easter Sundays of Every year to bring sons and Daughtes of the town together.  There is cultural display by various traditionalists like Egungun, Gelede, Igunnu, Agere etc Awards are also given to some worthy individuals.

Igbeti Tourism Carnival (Igbeti) – It is held on Easter Mondays with people from various walks of life gathering on Iyampo Hill to offer prayers.  The highlights of the tourism carnival are mountaineering, picnicking, sports etc.

Beere (weeds) (Saki, Saki West LGA) – Celebrates alongside Ologun and Asabari Festivals in the month of April or May as Ifa Oracle dictates.  The celebration takes Nine (9) days of full activities, the significance of the Beere festival is the renewal of the oath of allegiance, support, and loyalty to the Okere by the High Chiefs and Sakiland.

International Day for Monuments and Sites (Ibadan) – The International Day for Monuments and Sites is an annual event declares by the International Council on Monuments and Sites (ICOMOS) the day is celebrated on the 18th April of every year.  The aim is to encourage local communities and individuals throughout the World to consider the importance of cultural heritage to their lives. Identities and communities and to promote awareness of its diversity and vulnerability and the effort required to protect and consider it.

Adasobo (Kisi, Irepo LGA) – Its celebration heralds other festivals in the town.  It is in remembrance of the good deeds of Ada, the beloved daugthter of Alaafin.  The festival is an encompassing and participating event that involves all and sundry.  The king is the Chief sponsor of this festival while the Ifa oracle will be consulted to name the area where the hunting is to be done.  At the grand finale of the festival which is the eight (8)   day, the king will host everybody to a feast.  People come from all walks of life including their kins men from especially Ibaribaland in Nigeria, Benin Republic and other neigbouring countries.

Oosa-Oko (Jobele, Irawo, Afiijo and Saki East LGA) – Herald the eating of new yam by the King.

World Culture Day (The State Capital by Oyo State Government) – It is a day set aside by UNESCO to learn and showcase our rich cultural heritage.  Oyo State being rich in culture joined the world to celebrate our rich cultural heritage and reawaken the citizenry to inculcate, value and attach the deserved respect to our diverse culture.  This was targeted at giving culture the lift and vibrancy it deserves towards advancing the goals of UNESCO and the resolution of the UN General Assembly in 2002 declaring May 21 as world day for cultural diversity, dialogue and development.

Aginjo (Komu, Itesiwaju and Iwajowa LGA) – Celebration last seven days amidst pomp and pageantry.

Harmonized Egungun Fiesta (Ibadan) – This Egungun fiesta is designed to herald the annual Egungun festival which is peculiar to most Yoruba towns and villages. All the Egungun from all the local government areas in the State converge in the capital to showcase and compete.

Iyamapo (Igbeti, Olorunsogo LGA) – Celebration last three (30 days.  Ifa oracle is consulted to know the date. What to provide (sacrificial items) and where the hunting expedition for festival should start from.  The last day which is the grand finale, the king as the chief sponsor, will be responsible for all the sacrificial item for the celebration includes drumming, dancing and feasting.

Egungun (Worship (Throughout) Yoruba Land) – Rituals are performed at the shrine while masquerades display to the admiration of the crowd.

Omituntun Cultural Festival (Ibadan) – The specialized Cultural-Tourism Festival is aimed at showcasing the uniqueness of our cultural tourism potentials of Oyo State to the world at large, stimulating employment opportunities and rechanneling of residual energy of our youths in fruitful endeavors thereby disengaging them from various vices as well as discovering talents in areas of culture and arts.

Ayan– Agalu (Ago-Amodu, Saki East) – Worship mostly by the families of drummers.

Egungun – As in June, rituals are performed at the shrine while masquerades display to the admiration of the crowd.

Ogun (All the 33 LGAs in the State) – Ogun is universally worshiped and acknowledged in the indigenous belief of the Yoruba as the divinity of warfare and warriors of hunters and the chase of all artisans.

Isese (Ibadan)- All the traditionalists in the 33 Local Government Areas in the State converge in Ibadan to celebrate this universal day for traditional religionists.

Gelede (Ijio, Iwajowa LGA) – Celebration includes masquerades display dancing and satirical song called Efe. It is a socio-cultural cult among the Yorubas with membership open to both sexes.  However, most of the important positions or title in the cult is held by women that is why few people refer to it as women’s cult.

Kounmoka (Ijakadi Oro Offa) (Iyanna Offa, Lagelu) – The Baale will eat the New Yam for the first time.  Everybody converge at Kounmoka shrine where the fight will commence between woman and men participants Women must beat the man and emerge as winner.

Ifamole (Oyo, The LGs in Oyo Zone) – The Ifamole festival will be rounded off at Agidan Hill (A sacred grove) where all believers in traditional religion as well as tourist will gather to worship and offer sacrifice to Ifa and other deities.

World Sango Festival (Oyo, All the Four Local Governments in Oyo Zone) – Established as home coming to Sango’s adherents/worshippers as well as tourists worldwide.  It is informative to State that Sango (Oyo) is known and worship globally in more that thirty-five Countries. Sango Festival was recently approved for inclusion in the UNESCO Representative List for Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity at the 18th Session of the Intergovernmental Committee for the Safeguarding of Intangible Cultural Heritage, Kasane, Botswana.

Iyawo Erindun (Mass Wedding) (Iseyin) – Mass Traditional Marriage which involves old or middle-aged people. This celebration is common especially among farmers.

Obalufon (Ejioku, Lagelu LGA) – The Baale of Ejioku is the one to buy goat for the celebration of Obalufon.  All sons and daughter will go to Obalufon shrine with curves/leashes which they will leave there with the Opon (Carved wooden tray) until the seventh day when the opon will be returned to the custodian.

Obalogun (Lalupon, Lagelu LGA) – Sighting of strange animals in town signifies the date

World Tourism Day (State Capital) – Governments, tourism practitioners and all tourism stakeholders throughout the world use 27 September of every year as set aside by United State World Tourism Organization to spread the word of both the importance and immense benefits of tourism among the international community.

Yemoja (Peculiar to all the 33 LGAs in the State) – Yemoja is one of the orisas that is prominent among the adherents of traditional religion in Oyo State.  It is usually celebrated between October and November, annually except in Igboho where it is celebrated in the month of September.

Sango Festival (Peculiar to all the 33 Local Government Areas) – Annual throughout the length and breadth of Yorubaland. In Oyo Town it is celebrated in August of every year.  The festival last for seven (7) days

Oro (Iseyin) – Worship in some parts of the State but prominent in Iseyin with elaborate opening which include funfare, cultural entertainment etc. Rituals are performed and Oro symbol is played round the town while women are forbidden to come out on the seventh day.

Iluku (Ago-Are/Ofiki, Saki East LGA) – Iluku is the only festival that the king will appear in his full paraphernalia of office cloth made of leopard skin (Awo-Ekun) the unique woolen crown called Ade “Amijigi” to march and his staff of office known as “Onduro” an ancient field marshals baton in his hand

Oranyan (Oyo, The four Local Governments in Oyo Zone) – Established as a deserving commemoration and celebration of the legend, Oranyan, the first Alaafin of Oyo.  The most famous and widely traveled of all the legitimate sons of Okanbi, a true descendant of Oduduwa.

for the festival sacrifice to the Osanyin will be made before any other gods/goddesses. The celebration lasts for seven (7) days.  The devotees are possessed and deliver messages said to come from the departed ancestors of the community.

Oju Oja (Lanlate) – Celebrate on Easter Sundays of Every year to bring sons and Daughtes of the town together.  There is cultural display by various traditionalists like Egungun, Gelede, Igunnu, Agere etc Awards are also given to some worthy individuals.

Igbeti Tourism Carnival (Igbeti) – It is held on Easter Mondays with people from various walks of life gathering on Iyampo Hill to offer prayers.  The highlights of the tourism carnival are mountaineering, picnicking, sports etc.

Ore Otiti, Okaka (Okaka, Itesiwaju LGA)- Celebrated for three days annually, after the sacrifice and prayers feasting (eating, singing and dancing) follows.

Yente (Iganna, Iwajowa LGA) – Yente is believed to be the god of succor.  This is because it gives succor to the barren and those who are afflicted with one sickness or the other.

World Twins Festival (Igbo-Ora, Ibarapa Central Local Government) – Organized annually by the Igbo -Ora Development Forum in conjunction with the State Government though the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, World Twins Creation Outfit, the Igbo-Ora (Land of Twins) Community and Ibarapa Central Local Government Council to showcase twinning cultural tourism heritage endowed on Oyo State.

Odun Isu (Yam Festival) (Sepeteri, Saki East LGA) –  This  festival heralds the eating of new yam by the King.

 Oduduwa (Igboora, Ibarapa Central) – Effigies of Odudua will be paraded round the town amidst singing, drumming and dancing for seven (7) days.  Ilero in Kajola Local Government is another town in the State where Oduduwa festival is being celebrated.

Iyake Festival (Ado – Awaye.  Araromi LCDA, Iseyin Local Government) – Organised annually by the community to showcase and celebrate the wonders of Africa’s only suspended lake and other uncommon tourism endowments in Ado – Awaye.

Ijala Ere Ode Cultural Renaissance (ILaji Resorts, Akanran Ona – Ara Local Government) – Organised annually by the Ona – Ara Development Forum in conjunction with the Local Government and the State Government to promote Ijala Yoruba poetic culture.

Abenugboro (Runs Through December) (Igboho, Oorelope) – Celebrated in honour of the god of the rock which hid the people of Igboho from attacks by enemies from neighouring Fulani warriors. The festival is observed annually during the dry season after due consultation with Ifa oracle. It lasts for seven (7) Days.

Aso-Ofi Festival (Iseyin, Iseyin Local Government) – Organised annually by Iseyin Weavers and Marketers Association in conjunction with Iseyin Local Government and the State Government. It is a celebration and propagation of Aso-Ofi, one of the State’s unique cultural tourism products globally in Iseyin, the home of the popular Yoruba indigeneous fabric. It is also designed to celebrate the sustainable generational weaving occupation in Iseyin.

Asabari   (Saki) – Worshiping of Asabari Hill by the Okere of Saki amidst pomp and pageantry.

Igunuko – Spectators are generally forbidden from entering into the shrine and to put on caps while watching Igunuko masquerade perform.

Oyo State Cultural Carnival/Trade-show (Ibadan) – It is designed to showcase the rich and beautiful Yoruba culture, Arts and Crafts.